Dear [LASTNAME], Unlike traditional legal practice, with a view to provide complete legal and practical solutions to our client, Chak & Associates is a firm consists of multi-profession members. You can meet our Qualified lawyers, Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and even Chartered Quantity Surveyor to discuss matters or projects concerns you. All members of Chak and Associates are committing to our core values "being your indispensable partner helping your business grows and prospers, as our success can only be gauged by your success". Our core service areas including: - Litigation & Dispute Resolution - Commercial & Corporate practice - Intellectual Property Law - PRC Matters Please do not hesitate and contact Mr. Jimmy Yip any time at office no. +852 3588 8082 or mobile: +852 8104 8068. We look forward to future opportunity to serve you and or your friends. 如需免費法律諮詢服務,歡迎致電 8104 8068 葉先生聯絡 If you cannot view this mail please click here.
翟氏律師行慼著訴訟處理的經驗,並熟悉企業財資及中國事務的優勢,現正推出一系列之法律及財資諮詢計劃。我們秉承一貫以客為本的專業精神,從客戶的角度出發,以釐定服務的範疇和方及。以一站式服務,迅速和有效地處理客戶法律及財資上的問題,提升客戶危機處理能力,令客戶可專注發展業務。 |
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Chak & Associates, solicitors 19/F Far East Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong Direct Line: +852 3588 8082 Direct Fax: +852 3423 5082 Mobile: +852 8104 8068 Email: